Kommanditgesellschaft: Firmensitz und Gerichtsstand 48619 Heek / Westf. · Germany Commercial Register: AG Coesfeld HRA 5312 Unlimited Partners: Maat Verwaltungsges.mbH, 48619 Heek / Westf. Commercial Register: AG Coesfeld HRB 9759 UID Nr.: DE 814215633 Managing Director: Marko Maat
All Businesses are subject to the German Forwarders General Terms and Conditions (ADSp.) in the valid wording. The ADSp. provide in their clause 23 a limitation of liabilty for damage to the goods in the custody of the forwarder to 5 €/kg, in case of multimodal transportation including sea transportation to 2 SDR/kg and, in addition, a limitation of liability to 1 Mio. € respectively 2 Mio. € per event of loss or 2 SDR/kg whichever amount is the higher.
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